Encyclopedias can be a great place to start your research. Use them for an overview of your topic.
Te Ara – the Encyclopedia
of New Zealand
Aotearoa New Zealand Resources
Our Wahine – biographies of 125 extraordinary Aotearoa New Zealand women.
National Library Topic Explorer - Resources on a range of topics, primarily Aotearoa New Zealand based.
Te Ara – the Encyclopedia of New Zealand.
Te Ao Māori: Christchurch City Libraries' gateway to Māori resources and services.
Royal Society Te Apārangi provides expert science advice on key issues facing New Zealanders.
PM's Chief Science Advisor - provides advice to the NZ Government on specific science topics.
Topics in Aotearoa New Zealand history: culture and society, politics
and government, and war.
Deep analysis of big issues confronting Aotearoa NZ, e.g. housing, inequality, climate change, child poverty, the environment, migration.
Digitised New Zealand and Pacific newspapers, magazines and journals, letters and diaries.
E-books on the Treaty of Waitangi, from BWB.
Aotearoa New Zealand digital content: interviews, video, newspaper clippings, photographs, and more.
E-books on Aotearoa New Zealand history and biography, from BWB.
Articles on Aotearoa New Zealand's natural history, geography, and culture.
E-books on women's issues, lives, and histories in Aotearoa New Zealand, from BWB.
Artworks, taonga, photographs, and objects from Te Papa’s collections.
Many Answers – Information on popular topics currently being researched by students in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Short e-books on big Aotearoa New Zealand topics, from BWB.
New Zealand film, television, music videos, and web series.